Thursday, August 19, 2010


Over the past two years, our life has been uprooted by a family health crisis, loss of income, relocation, and all of the little additional consequences that follow.

It's been...well, to keep it short...hell.

But we've learned a lot, grown up maybe a little too fast, and are thankful for so much even during the hardest times.  Sigh.  We're really, really tired.  I feel very old.  I've been through a lot.  I'm thankful for those around me that help sustain my joy.

Then, in one marvelous day (yesterday), it's time.  Ryan and I are suddenly homeowners, and are closing on our house in 29 days!

I shouldn't be surprised.  Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever!  I know He works out more than what we can ask for or even imagine, but it always seems so shocking each time He does.  I feel so loved, so blessed, to know that He cares about us who are weary and who have suffered and who have struggled to persevere.

I can tell you why our house is amazing and how He is blessing us so immeasurably more than imagined, but you really just need to see it.  At any other time, we would be that young redneck couple in the ugly 2/1 with weeds growing through the roof.  But ironically, the same struggling economy that helped to make our lives a nightmare in the first place has helped us to afford something we could never have imagined possible.

It's ridiculous.  Pretty much impossible.  Even between our realtor, our lender, and our loan guy, no one has ever heard of a short sale completed in 17 days.  Apparently, God decided to tell us very loudly that He wants us in this house. What an unbelievable process to get to this point.  What exciting days we have ahead of us!

I know there is more work ahead.  There will be more crises to come, some of them a continution of the ones that have already crashed on top of us.  But what a tangible hope we now have, to see so clearly that He provides and brings us through and blesses us even in the middle of a raging storm.

Maybe the point isn't necessarily that He calms the storm, but that He's in the boat with us.

And He's probably smiling like He's up to something.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So, so wonderful.